Pearl Hawaii’s certificates are a relatively low risk way to increase your assets. As interest rates fluctuate, a certificate is a good alternative if you do not like risk.
A Pearl Hawaii certificate allows people to earn interest at a fixed rate that’s often higher than what’s available with a savings account. They are held for a set period or what is also referred to as a term.
A Pearl Hawaii certificate has an APY (Annual Percentage Yield) or interest rate that will not change for the time your money is deposited. After the term that you choose ends, you will have access to the deposited funds and interest earned or can choose to reinvest into another certificate.
APY- APY stands for the Annual Percentage Yield or it’s the interest rate the money you have deposited will earn.
TERM- The amount of time you want the certificate to be deposited. For example, 6 months or 3 years.
MAXIMUM AMOUNT- The most you can deposit into the account.
MINIMUM AMOUNT- The least you can deposit to receive the higher interest rate.
A Pearl Hawaii certificate is like a Certificate of Deposit (CD) and earns interest on a lump sum for a fixed period. They are different than savings accounts because the money must remain untouched for the entirety of their term. If you withdraw the money before the term is done, you will lose any interest that you may have earned or receive a fee. Typically, they have higher interest rates than savings accounts as an incentive for lost liquidity.
Strong fixed interest rates.
Low level of risk.
Many options to choose from that can fit someone’s ideal savings plan.
Higher APY than other types of saving accounts.
Typically, longer terms have a higher APY.
Your money is secured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA).
Flexible account options when compared to other investment products.
Many terms to choose from.
One method to consider is placing money in multiple certificates rather than one. This approach of layering certificates can help maximize your savings and get the funds placed in them returned to you at a pace you are comfortable with. For example, open a certificate monthly with $1000. For that year, you would have a total of $12,000 invested. After each certificate expires, reinvest into another certificate, or use the funds for a need or emergency that came up.
With laddering, the risk of not having immediate access to your cash is mitigated since the maturation date for the funds could be just around the corner. Another approach is to have certificates mature at different terms. Essentially, open 3 certificates all in the same month and choose a 6-month, 1-year and 2-year term.
With a Pearl Hawaii Certificate, there are many options that will match people’s varying savings goals. Whether it’s saving for just a few months or collecting extra cash for years for a major life goal, a Pearl Hawaii certificate has many options available to you.
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. The rate is effective 1/29/24. Promotion and offer may end or change at any time. The minimum balance is $1000; no maximum balance. Deposits and withdrawals are subject to a seven-calendar-day grace period after maturity. Fees could reduce the earnings on the account. Penalties apply for early withdrawals. Other restrictions may apply. Federally insured by NCUA. **APY = Annual Percentage Yield. This offer is effective 12/16/24. Promotion and offer may end or change at any time. The minimum balance is $1,000; no maximum balance. Penalties apply for early withdrawals. Fees could reduce the earnings on the account. Other restrictions may apply. Offer is available to only new monies deposited from financial institutions other than Pearl Hawaii. Federally insured by NCUA.
From home or car loans to Hawaii’s most innovative banking services, Pearl Hawaii is committed to you. Bank at any of our Oahu locations in Waipahu, Ewa Beach, Waianae, Honolulu, Pearl Harbor, or near the Airport. Additionally, you can bank using PHFCUOnline just like one of our branches. To contact us, call us at 808.737.4328, toll-free at 800.987.5583, or email us at
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